Resto Radar

Resto Radar is like a restaurant catalog based on website, This project can provide data restaurant around Nusantara, we can cross check firts of time before we are come go location

July 10, 2023 - a year ago


Image cover blog Resto Radar

Backstory Why Me Made This Project?

Project Resto Radar like a restaurant catalog, this project provide data restaurants around the Nusantara. Project Resto Radar was build with 3 basic technology for build a website and some package dependencies. These include HTML, SASS, Javascript, Webpack, Axios, Jasmine, and CodeceptJs for testing framework. Resto Radar has implemented PWA (Progressive Web Apps) technology. so has implemented PWA on this project has the advantage of a website being like a native application. Resto Radar build with SPA (Single Page Appliacation) architecture.

Goals Build This Project

Main goals for building this project, including the following:
  • To exercise and increase fundamental 3 basic of technology for building website.
  • Deeping DOM Manipulation with Javascript
  • Learning about how to styling website with CSS Prepropcessor, on this project i'am use SASS/SCSS
  • Learning about how to build website with SPA architecture
  • Learning about how to build website with PWA technology
  • Learning about how write, unit testing, integration testing with Jasmine testing framework
  • Learning about how to write end-to-end testing with CodeceptJs
I was learning a lot about front-end web development while build this project, after i finish this project, i think my programming skills are improved over time.

Feature on Resto Radar Project

The Resto Radar Project has several features, including the following:
  • Has implemented web responsive for multiple device
  • Home Page
    • Home section
    • About project section
    • Main content
      • Displaying data restaurants around Nusantara on card restaurant
      • Displaying some detail data restaurant through modal box
      • Feature button preview restaurant on card restaurant
      • Feature button like restaurant on modal box or card restaurant
      • Feature button detail restaurant on modal box or card restaurant
    • Footer Section
  • Favorite Page
    • Displaying data restaurants around Nusantara on card restaurant
    • Displaying some detail data restaurant through modal box
    • Feature button preview restaurant on card restaurant
    • Feature button like restaurant on modal box or card restaurant
    • Feature button detail restaurant on modal box or card restaurant
  • Detail Page
    • Displaying detail data restaurant which user pick
    • Feature button like restaurant
    • Feature comment on detail page
  • Contact Page

How to Start this project

1. Clone repository using git

git clone

2. Install all dependencies

npm install

3. Run development server

npm run start-dev
Open http://localhost:9000 with your browser to see the result.

Responsive Web Design on Multiple Devices

Ilustration responsive design Resto Radar Project

Last but not least

if you interested on this project, you can visit this project directly Resto Radar Project, also you can visit on Github Repository Resto Radar Project, last if you wanna give me suggesstion or advice you can go to contact page directly. Thankyou so much.

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