Pojok Baca

Pojok Baca is the simple bookshelf app, this project is version 1.0 the bookshelf i have ever made, the data saved on local storage (Web API).

September 3, 2022 - 2 years ago


Image cover blog Pojok Baca

Backstory Why Me Made This Project?

Project Pojok Baca like a bookshelf app but is simple version, this project was build with 3 basic technology for build a website. These include HTML, CSS, and Javascript,. with that technology i can build a simple bookshelf app.

Goals Build This Project

Goals Build This Project

Main goals for building this project, including the following:
  • To exercise and increase fundamental 3 basic of technology for building website
  • Deeping DOM Manipulation with Javascript
  • Learning about how to save data on local storage
  • Known what is different betwwen local storage and session storage
  • Learning about how to manipulate data structure in javascript such as array, map, object etc
  • and also exercise skills styling web using CSS, and many other things.
I was learning a lot about 3 basic web programming while build this project, after i finish this project, i think my programming skills are improved over time.

Feature on Pojok Baca Project

The Pojok Baca Project has several features, including the following:
  • Has implemented web responsive for multiple device
  • Home Section
  • About project Section
  • Contact Section
  • Main content
    • Add new data book through form on main content section
    • Delete data book card book on main content section
    • Separate data book by state (finish state and ongoing state) on main content section
    • Search book by name/title book
  • Footer Section

Responsive Web Design on Multiple Devices

Ilustration responsive design Pojok Baca Project

Last but not least

if you interested on this project, you can visit this project directly Pojok Baca Project, also you can visit on Github Repository Pojok Baca Project, last if you wanna give me suggesstion or advice you can go to contact page directly. Thankyou so much.

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